VLB Berlin at the “The Brewers Forum & 39th EBC Congress” in Lille in May
VLB Berlin auf dem „The Brewers Forum & 39th EBC Congress“ in Lille

Die VLB Berlin freut sich auf das „The Brewers Forum & 39th EBC Congress“, das vom 26. bis 30. Mai 2024 in Lille, Frankreich, stattfinden wird. Besuchen Sie uns an unserem Stand Nr. 3 in der Ausstellung!

Unser Team vor Ort: Ben Palmer, Nils Rettberg, Florian Schrickel, Laura Knoke, Dulcie Thomson, Martin Hageböck, Olaf Hendel, Josef Fontaine

Wissenschaftliche Beiträge aus unserem Forschungsinstitut für Rohstoff- und Getränkeanalytik:

  • „A comparison of two sample preparation methods for the solvent-free quantification of 4-Mercapto-4-methyl-2-pentanone in hops“
    Poster by Benjamin Palmer, Johanna Dennenlöhr, Sarah Thörner, Nils Rettberg
  • “Investigating factors impacting the (in)stability of 4-mercapto-4-methyl-2-pentanone during the storage of dry-hopped beer”
    Presentation by Nils Rettberg (Wed, 29.5., 14:00, Room 3.1)
  • „As much as necessary - as little as possible: About the storage stability of withered malt”
    Poster by Florian Schrickel, Nils Rettberg
  • "Comprehensive characterization of Altbier”
    Poster by Laura Knoke, Nils Rettberg
  • “A UPLC-QTOF method for the determination of ferulic acid dehydrodimers in wort and beer”
    Poster by Dulcie Thomson, Aneta Gierlińska, Laura Knoke, Nils Rettberg

VLB Berlin at the “The Brewers Forum & 39th EBC Congress” in Lille in May

