Service offers for the spirits industry
Extract of offered services:
- Determination of alcohol, density and extract
- Determination of volatile components by gas chromatography (GC) and GC mass spectrometry (MS)
- Analysis of emulsion liqueurs (alcohol/density/extract, determination of egg yolk and fat content)
- Determination of non-volatile components, e.g. various sugars with HPLC
- Determination of maximum quantity limited substances such as thujone and asarone
- Determination of trace elements by mass spectrometry (MS) with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-MS)
- Analysis of ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin
- Sensory analysis of spirits
- Label/declaration testing
- Issue of export certificates
If required, our analytical results are supplemented by meaningful interpretations. VLB carries out market-established quality tests of spirits every year. We work with a modern and broad range of equipment as well as trained specialists in analytics, food law and sensory analysis.
Our contract laboratories are accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018, DAkkS Reg. No.: D-PL-14173-01-00.