Administrative Board
Our Administrative Board decides on all fundamental matters concerning the VLB and is thus one of the three steering committees of the VLB in addition to the General Assembly and the Management Board. It is elected by the General Assembly for a four-year term and currently has nine members.
The current VLB Administrative Board (as of October 9, 2023):
Ulrich Rust X
Administrative Board
Ulrich Rust (VLB President)
Gerolsteiner Brunnen GmbH & Co. KG, Gerolstein, Germany
Uwe Ebbighausen (Treasurer)
Administrative Board
Uwe Ebbighausen (Treasurer)
CUE.X Consulting, Jameln, Germany
Dr. Stefan Lustig X
Administrative Board
Dr. Stefan Lustig
EFES Beer Group, Istanbul, Turkey
Wolfgang Janssen
Administrative Board
Wolfgang Janssen
Radeberger Gruppe KG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Dr. Stefan Kreisz
Administrative Board
Dr. Stefan Kreisz
Privatbrauerei ERDINGER Weißbräu Werner Brombach GmbH
Michael Jakob
Administrative Board
Michael Jakob
Carlsberg Supply Chain Company AG, Switzerland
Jan Steffes
Administrative Board
Jan Steffes
Gerolsteiner Brunnen GmbH & Co. KG, Gerolstein, Germany
Jens Hoffmann
Administrative Board
Jens Hoffmann
Haus Cramer Gruppe, Warstein, Germany (coopated on Oct 9, 2023)