VLB Berlin

Versuchs- und Lehranstalt für Brauerei in Berlin (VLB) e.V.

Education, research, consulting, information and services for the brewing, malting, beverage and spirits industries and applied biotechnology since 1883



VLB will again be present at international trade fairs and confernces for the brewing and beverage industry in 2025.

Training & Conventions

Our 109th  Brewing & Engineering Congress (‘VLB Spring Conference’) will take place in Kulmbach in March 2025.
Cooperation Partner


Services of VLB Berlin


Since 1883, the VLB has offered training and education for the brewing and beverage industry.In recent years, our offer has been extended to include spirits production and applied biotechnology.


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VLB Berlin supports you with a wide range of highly specialised services for the brewing, malting, beverage and – since 2002 – spirit distilling industries.

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Our trade congresses and seminars are platforms for the intercorporate exchange of information.A selection of books and a journal complete the offer.


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Innovations are the key to progress.The VLB therefore invests part of its resources in research and development.In addition to close cooperation with the Technical University of Berlin, joint and contract research also plays an important role.


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Brauerei Forum (int. Editions)

Impact of pasteurization on hoppy ales / VLB Research Reports 2024 / Certified Brewmaster Course 2025 completed / VLB General Meeting: Positive annual financial statements for 2023

VLB Berlin welcomes its new members / VLB Congress in Groningen very well received / Testing of packaging: Crates & labels / Insight into the Polish beer market