News Overview
180 participants from 20 countries gathered together at the 1st African Brewing Conference from 21 to 23 May 2019 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
On 1 April 2019 Gerhard Andreas Schreiber was appointed as Commercial Managing Director of VLB Berlin.
For the first time in its 136-year history, VLB Berlin is organizing four of its major brewery conferences on four different continents in one single year: Europe, Africa, Asia and America.
On its annual meeting in the Europa-Park Rust, Germany, on March 11, 2019, the VLB Technical Scientific Committee (TSC) has elected Dr. Stefan Kreisz, Erdinger Weißbräu, as new Chairman
A joint project of the Thailand Beer Industry Guild (TBIG) and the VLB Berlin. 9 to 11 June 2019, Bangkok, Thailand
Our special event for the brewing industry in Latin America in its 10th edition - in September 2019 again in Mexico.
The inaugural forum for the African brewing industry will take place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in May 2019
VLB Berlin exhibits at two important trade fairs for the international brewing industry: The China Brew & China Beverage (23-26 Oct, Shanghai) and the Brau Beviale (13-15 Nov, Nuermberg, Germany)
With the Cervecería Kunstmann, the VLB has been able to win an ambitious and aspiring brewery from Chile as a member. The company with German roots is particularly successful in the craft and specialty beers segment in Chile.
As a trade fair with an accompanying conference program for brewers and manufacturers of alcoholic beverages, the Craft Drinks India was launched in Bangalore, India, for the first time on 4 and 5 July 2018. As part of the Beviale Family cooperation, the VLB Berlin conducted a sensory workshop in the context of this event.